Thriving in a constantly changing marketing environment for over thirty years has given us plenty of insight into the work we do. Staying curious and educating our clients on best practices is part of what makes us all successful. Here are some hard-won observations and lessons we’ve learned.

How We Store & Blend Our Clients' Google Analytics Historical Data

Categories: Digital Marketing, Leadership

Not only have our data engineers discovered how to safely back up all historical GA4 and UA data, they know how to blend it with incoming data from multiple sources. This allows us to create seamless reporting that provides our clients with the most comprehensive snapshot of their marketing efforts. Let’s look closer at this process.

Marketing reports laid out on a desk.

The Benefits of Comprehensive, Automated Marketing Reports

Categories: Digital Marketing, Gemini News

What do you do when no single marketing reporting tool delivers the data you want? You build your own, custom marketing report.

Digital Marketing Trends of 2024: Our Predictions

Categories: Industry News

We polled the hard-working Gemini team about what the biggest marketing trends and challenges will be in the coming year. Because we’re in the trenches every day experimenting, learning and innovating you can be certain that our predictions are based on a combination of data, research and hard-won experience.

Google Algorithm Updates 2023: Your Complete Guide

Categories: Digital Marketing, Leadership

Along with small, constant updates, Google rolls out larger algorithm updates that require days or weeks to complete. Let’s look at these major changes from 2023 and how they might have impacted your users’ online experience.