How SEO-Friendly Content & a Faster Website Increased Traffic & Rankings

See how refreshed content, a faster website, and search engine optimization increased rankings and boosted traffic for Applewood Plumbing, Heating & Electric

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Applewood Plumbing, Heating & Electric needed a homepage refresh to land more traffic. As we dove deeper into the problem, we discovered a sluggish back end and poor SEO performance. They weren’t ranking as high as their competition for many important searches. While their website wasn’t as bad as many we’ve seen, we knew we could make significant improvements to bring in more business.

electrician in a blue hat fixing an air conditioner.


How could we give our client’s digital presence an overhaul that would catapult them ahead of their competitors without starting over from scratch? We didn’t need to change the look as much as we needed to change the message.


Our team identified areas where we could improve Applewood’s current website to ultimately generate more leads and service tickets. Our pitch came down to two basic improvements:

  • A faster and easier to manage website with a new homepage.
  • SEO dense content that targeted specific home repair services.

The key to our success would be rebuilding the site to appeal to a variety of personas and lead users to their desired destination quickly and easily. We needed to reach the user with a plumbing emergency (flooded basement, overflowing toilet), the user who is new to the area and researching plumbing and HVAC companies who offer annual memberships, and the licensed electrician who is looking for a new career.

Web development, SEO and content teams plunged in and got down to business.

How To Get Better Results FROM YOUR HOMEPAGE

Your homepage is often the portal a customer first enters from to learn about your company. It should grab their attention and easily direct them to whatever information they need to solve their problem.

Applewood’s existing page was woefully anemic. It had too much empty space with a few sparse headlines, captions and images. It lacked the critical information they needed to position themselves as an authority in the home services industry.

The Visual

The web development team tweaked the homepage layout to be more captivating. They added menu bars and organized content so that users could quickly connect with the services they needed.

On the back end, we got rid of old plugins and revamped things with new code that would make it easier to update the site and make changes. These changes also made the website run faster and smoother.

The Written

SEO and content filled the homepage in with keyword-dense content that spoke to the client’s services. This additional content gave Google more to crawl and gave potential customers clearer insight into why they should choose Applewood for their plumbing, heating and electrical needs.

By strategically updating meta titles and descriptions, we could boost Applewood’s presence as a service provider. Overhauling headers with high-density keywords and adding FAQ content put them on par with the competition’s rankings.

The bottom line: the new homepage boosted Applewood’s visibility in a way they were severely lacking.

The Results

Once the updated site launched, we saw a noticeable increase in traffic and rankings. Crucial keywords suddenly jumped from 90th to 9th place. Other targeted keywords landed in the top ten results for the first time.

Our client saw a 24% increase in organic landing page sessions to the homepage. Most importantly, they saw a 97% increase in service submissions from those entering via the homepage. Customers were noticing the new homepage and they were converting! The new funnel we created was working.

Electrician doing maintenance

Our Services Don’t Stop


We continue to monitor, modify and expand our client’s website and content to ensure that they remain competitive. With regular updates and optimizations, we can continue to pivot them toward a greater share of their market.

Your homepage is a critical investment in your marketing strategy. By having a team of professional marketers analyze, rebuild and repopulate your website, you can see measurable results in the traffic and the conversions it generates.

Get in touch with Gemini to see how partnering with us can expand your digital capabilities.