Your organic traffic directly impacts your online digital authority. Gemini’s holistic approach to SEO and content means higher rankings, better content, and more clicks.

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Your organic traffic directly impacts your online digital authority. Gemini’s holistic approach to SEO and content means higher rankings, better content, and more clicks.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of increasing traffic to your website by boosting your visibility in search engines like Google. There are no shortcuts—it takes time for SEO strategies to mature and to reap the long-lasting benefits of increased visibility, organic traffic, and sustainable growth of your online presence.


  • Keyword Strategy
  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Website Health Monitoring
  • Custom Schema Markup
  • User Experience Monitoring
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Lead Tracking
  • Custom Reporting & Data Analysis
  • Google Business Profile Management
  • SEO AI Integration


Our SEO programs are personalized and strategically tailored to your specific goals. Our team works in tandem with our web developers and content strategists to ensure your website is optimized to shine above your competition’s and attract more leads. We analyze, strategize, execute, and monitor page traffic, keyword rankings and site health to maximize the impact of your SEO program. You can trust Gemini more than any other Minneapolis SEO company to stay on top of industry updates, monitor shifts in consumer behavior, and abide by best practices.

Unlock Your Content’s Full Potential

A Gemini content program positions you as a trailblazer and a trusted authority within your industry. We create unique, value-based content that is optimized for user experience and search engines so that customers easily find you. It grabs attention, showcases expertise, and distinguishes you from your competition.

Our job’s not done when we hit “publish.” We track your content’s performance and continually update and optimize pages, articles, and blogs to ensure that they showcase you as a go-to industry resource.

Content writing services:

  • Blog Writing
  • Case Study Creation
  • Service and Landing Page Creation
  • Video Creation
  • Infographic Design
  • Personalized Content Calendars and Strategies
  • On-Page Optimization
  • AI Prompt Engineering

Google Business Profile Management Services

Your Google Business Profile (GBP) is essential for attracting local customers. It clearly identifies your business, services, and contact information, making it easier for potential clients to find and engage with you. By partnering with an agency experienced in GBP optimization, you can rank prominently in local search results and attract more customers.

GBP Management Services:

  • Initial Profile Set-Up & Configuration
  • On-going Profile Optimizations
  • Profile-Specific Ranking Data by Device Type
  • Visual GeoGrid Profile Visibility Tracking
  • Review Response
  • Monthly Analytics and Reporting Insights
  • Strategy Shift Recommendations

*Note: Some of these GBP services are included in our SEO programs, which focus on improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. We also offer Enhanced GBP Management Programs, which provide more comprehensive profile management and reporting, specifically tailored to enhance your Google Business Profile.

Online Reputation Management

Positive customer feedback is crucial to building trust and growing your business. Our reputation management services provide a comprehensive program that monitors and manages your business listings and reviews from multiple sources. Our experts proactively track trends and provide you with actionable insights to enhance your online reputation. We make your business the gold standard in your field.

Reputation Management Services:

  • Local Listing Management
  • Reputation Monitoring
  • Review Response Consulting
  • Platform Tracking
  • Robust Reporting & Performance Analysis
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SEO & Content Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Local SEO and Why Is It Important?

Local SEO puts you in front of customers looking for your services in your area. By targeting specific local keywords like “Minneapolis SEO company” or “SEO services near me,” your business can connect with customers in the immediate vicinity.

How Does Content Marketing Differ From “Traditional Advertising?”

Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that builds trust and familiarity with your target audience. It drives traffic to your site organically through search engine queries instead of paid ads.

Do I need specialized content for my home services website? ”

Absolutely. SEO content writing tailored to your home services company answers your target customers’ questions. It also shows potential clients why you’re the solution to their problem. Clumsy, poorly organized writing can turn customers away quickly. Establish your business as a local expert with quality content.

Are Content Marketing Services a Good Investment for B2B Companies?

B2B companies face unique challenges like longer buying cycles and multiple stakeholders when trying to find and convert customers. Improve your visibility and meet more customers along their sales journey with a custom content program that builds trust and nurtures long-term business relationships.

How Can SEO Benefit My B2B Company?

Technical SEO services identify and target the specific organic search terms that your customers use so that you gain better visibility across the B2B marketing funnel. By implementing a comprehensive organic search strategy you can build familiarity and drive more B2B users to your site at each stage of their buying journey.  

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